Discover the Hidden Treasure: Laravel Macros

Backend Developer
2 min readJul 16, 2023
Laravel macros

Laravel Macros — The Secret Sauce of Flexibility

Laravel, renowned for its expressive syntax and developer-friendly features, holds a hidden gem that many developers might not be aware of: Macros. These little-known gems provide an elegant way to extend Laravel’s core classes with your own custom methods, offering unparalleled flexibility in crafting your applications. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Laravel Macros and explore how they can empower you as a developer.

Understanding Laravel Macros

Macros, in the context of Laravel, are custom methods added to Laravel’s internal classes, such as collections, queries, and even the application’s container. The magic behind Macros is their ability to enhance core classes without modifying the original source code. This allows you to extend Laravel’s functionality in a modular and reusable manner.

Creating Your First Macro

Let’s create a practical example of a Macro to better grasp its concept. Suppose we often work with strings and want to add a custom method to easily capitalize the first letter of a string. To achieve this, open the boot method of the AppServiceProvider located in app/Providers and add the following code:

With this code, we have added our custom method capitalizeFirstLetter to the Str class.

Using Your Custom Macro

Now, let’s put our newly created Macro to use in a controller or any other part of our application:

By calling our custom Macro capitalizeFirstLetter on the Str class, we conveniently capitalize the first letter of the string.

Macros for Collections and Queries

Laravel Macros are not limited to strings; you can extend other core classes like collections and queries. For instance, you might want to add a custom filtering method to collections:

Now you can filter a collection based on items that start with a specific substring:

$fruits = collect(['apple', 'banana', 'apricot', 'orange']);
$results = $fruits->startsWith('ap');

// Output: ['apple', 'apricot']

Similarly, you can extend query builders with your own custom methods to suit your specific database-related needs.


Laravel Macros might be a lesser-known feature, but they bring immense power to your development toolkit. By adding custom methods to core classes, you can enhance Laravel’s functionality while keeping your codebase clean and maintainable. Whether you’re working with strings, collections, queries, or other core components, Macros offer an elegant way to extend Laravel in a flexible and modular manner. Unleash the full potential of Laravel by diving into the world of Macros and elevate your development experience to new heights!

